Close up of a Dentist's hands in blue gloves examining a patient's teeth. Shot for a marketing session for Teeth For Life in Caldicot, December 2023.

Teeth For Life

In December 2023 I was commissioned to shoot some promotional images for the lovely staff at Caldicot-based dental surgery Teeth For Life. Here’s a few favourites. Big thanks to Emma and Adam for reaching out and to all the staff for being so welcoming!

Professional portrait of a member of staff smiling. Shot for teeth For Life in Caldicot, December 2023.
Professional portrait of a member of staff smiling. Shot for teeth For Life in Caldicot, December 2023.
Professional portrait of a member of staff smiling. Shot for teeth For Life in Caldicot, December 2023.
Professional portrait of a member of staff smiling. Shot for teeth For Life in Caldicot, December 2023.
Professional portrait of a member of staff. Shot for teeth For Life in Caldicot, December 2023.
Professional portrait of a member of staff smiling. Shot for teeth For Life in Caldicot, December 2023.
Dentist smiling towards the camera while examining a patient. Shot for a commercial portrait shoot for Teeth For Life.